Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"I spent lots of money on this camera, why don't all my photos look like a pro took them?"

I post photographs of my little girls all the time on facebook. The other day I had a relative of mine tell me, "I wish I had a decent camera like yours to take good photos of my kids." That made me remember about a friend that had spent a lot of money on camera equipment and accessories. He would tell me "I spent lots of money on all this camera stuff, why don't my photographs look anything like yours?" With all the commercials from Cannon, Nikon, and other big name camera manufactures, I guess some people seem to think that the camera does all the work. Please don't think just because you spend near $1000 for a camera that your images are going to magically be so much better. There is a lot more to photography than just clicking a button. The camera is a tool for an artist, like a painter uses a brush to bring his or her image to reality. You wouldn't have told Michelangelo, "I wish I had some paint brushes like yours then I could paint my own Sistine Chapel." Sounds funny doesn't it. I could imagine Michelangelo's jaw dropping. HAHAHA

As some of you may know, I used to be a police officer. My assistant AKA my Mom was one too. She was an expert shot, were talking EXPERT. She can shoot any gun you put in her hands. She could teach someone how to shoot a gun, but in the end, the person behind the gun is the one who has to hit the target. The camera is the same way. You can be taught how to photograph but in the end YOU (the person behind the camera) have all the control over the image; especially if you photograph in manual mode. (For those who don't know that's when the photographer tells the camera what settings to use, not just the auto button.)

I'm not arguing that you shouldn't get a "decent" camera or that you shouldn't get into photography. In fact, I welcome everyone to try out photography. The more people that are passionate about photography the better photography will be. But don't be upset if you spend lots of money on a camera and then it doesn't perform up to your expectations because you don't know how to use it yet. The camera isn't the one in control you are, at least you should be. There are many resources on the internet that will help you on your journey into the wonderful world of photography, whether you want to take photographs of your kids, animals, or anything that comes in your path. But please don't lose sight of the fact that what matters most is you and your subject, not just the equipment.

Here are just two links to some web resources for photography.

Next time I blog, I'll talk about either the importance and impact of photography or maybe something about lighting. I don't consider myself an expert. No one really knows everything. Rather I'm a student who loves to share knowledge. If you'd like to discuss photography with me, please feel free to email me or catch up with me on Facebook.

Until Next time,

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